She founded “Moore Reporting Services,” the first African
American Court Reporting Agency in her hometown, Chattanooga, Tennessee. She
has an Associate’s Degree in Court Reporting, is an independent businesswoman,
and has been in business now for over 30 years.
Doctor Moore is always mindful that all she has is because
of the grace of God.
Doctor Moore is a graduate of the "Covington Theological Seminary". She has a Master's in Theology, and has completed a Doctor of Ministry in Theology. She believes that because of the lack of knowledge, God’s people perish. Doctor Moore states, “Because I am anointed, I seek more knowledge – not because I seek the prestige of man.”
In May of 2014 Doctor Moore was introduced to the gospel music industry by way of Doctor Bobby Jones and New Life on “Bobby Jones Presents,” in Nashville, Tennessee, as a new performing artist on “VISIONS at Mount Zion.” Doctor Bobby Jones Presents will be viewed by over 60 million viewers on the Impact Network and BET.
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